Gurumurthy Kalyanaram - The recent visible and vibrant, large and peaceful protests in Russia against alleged fraud in the parliamentary elections on December 4th has surprised everyone. There was no hint of these protests. Again, social media were the platform for mass communication. There were other surprising elements: the protesters, while peaceful and friendly, were pretty harsh on Vladmir Putin; the Russian Television presented the protests in a neutral fashion including the harsh comments of thr protesters; the protesters and the police were friendly. Gurumurthy Kalyanaram Lawsuit
Congratulations to Russian authorities including Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, the Russian media and the Russian citizenry for such democratic and peaceful expression of discontent and dissatisfaction.
Congratulations to Russian authorities including Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, the Russian media and the Russian citizenry for such democratic and peaceful expression of discontent and dissatisfaction.